Contact Us

Share your drought observations

The best way to provide information to Drought Monitor authors about conditions near you is to use the Condition Monitoring Observer Report (CMOR) system. Your report will appear immediately on an interactive map. The CMOR page includes fact sheets in English and Spanish and a how-to video to help you submit a report, which can include photos.

To get started uploading reports from a mobile device, 1) Download Esri’s Survey123 app from the app store on your device. At the login screen, choose “continue without logging in.” Allowing the app to use your location is generally convenient and accurate. 2) Close the app to download the survey for the first time. Download the survey either by using your device’s camera to scan this QR code or by entering into the address window of your device’s browser.

How CMOR reports are used
Please note that a CMOR report is not an application for drought assistance, and there is no guarantee that the Drought Monitor map will change because of your report. The Drought Monitor map is based on many different kinds of weather and climate data, including drought impacts. Although there is no guarantee that CMOR reports will change what the Drought Monitor says, CMOR reports do help the map authors understand how the weather is affecting you.

Most Recent Authors

United States & Puerto Rico

For more information about this week's U.S. Drought Monitor map for the United States and Puerto Rico, please contact:

Lindsay Johnson
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-8068

Pacific Islands & Virgin Islands

For more information about this week's U.S. Drought Monitor map for the Pacific Islands and Virgin Islands, please contact:

Denise Gutzmer
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-6726

General Contact

For questions not related to this week's map or for general Drought Monitor questions, contact:

U.S. Drought Monitor
National Drought Mitigation Center
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
P.O. Box 830988
Lincoln, NE 68583-0988

Request U.S. Drought Monitor Updates

The National Drought Mitigation Center sends an automated email each week including:

  • the latest U.S. Drought Monitor map and narrative
  • the percentage of the country in drought
  • a map showing what changed in the past week

The NDMC uses the same list for press releases about drought, as warranted by changing conditions. To receive these updates, please subscribe to the DMUpdate list.


Social Media

Follow the National Drought Mitigation Center for weekly U.S. Drought Monitor updates:

United States and Puerto Rico Authors

Rocky Bilotta
National Centers for Environmental Information
(828) 271-4794

Brian Fuchs
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-6775

Lindsay Johnson
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-8068

Brad Pugh
Climate Prediction Center
(301) 683-3410

Curtis Riganti
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-8165

Brad Rippey
U.S. Department of Agriculture
(202) 720-2397

David Simeral
Western Regional Climate Center
(775) 674-7132

Richard Tinker
Climate Prediction Center
(301) 683-3411

Pacific Islands & Virgin Islands Authors

Anthony Artusa
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(301) 683-3408

Rocky Bilotta
National Centers for Environmental Information
(828) 271-4794

Denise Gutzmer
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-6726

Lindsay Johnson
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-8068

Curtis Riganti
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-8165

Brad Rippey
U.S. Department of Agriculture
(202) 720-2397

Maureen Sartini
U.S. Department of Agriculture
( ) -

Tsegaye Tadesse
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-3383

Richard Tinker
Climate Prediction Center
(301) 683-3411

Daniel Whitesel
National Drought Mitigation Center
(402) 472-5355