Eligible Producers

To be eligible for LFP, persons or legal entities must be a U.S. citizen, resident alien, partnership of U.S. citizens, a legal entity organized under State law, or an Indian tribe or tribal organization defined in the Indian SelfDetermination and Education Assistance Act that:

  • Own, cash or share lease, or be a contract grower of covered livestock during the 60 calendar days before the beginning date of a qualifying drought or fire;
  • Provide pastureland or grazing land for covered livestock, including cash-rented pastureland or grazing land as of the date of the qualifying drought or fire that is either:
    • Physically located in a county affected by a qualifying drought during the normal grazing period for the county; or
    • Rangeland managed by a federal agency for which the otherwise eligible livestock producer is prohibited by the federal agency from grazing the normally permitted livestock because of a qualifying fire.
  • Certify that they have suffered a grazing loss because of a qualifying drought or fire; and
  • Timely file an acreage report for all grazing land for which a grazing loss is being claimed.

The information in this section has been taken from the Disaster Assistance LFP - Livestock Disaster Program fact sheet (April 2022) and is for information purposes only; other eligibility requirements or restrictions may apply. Please contact your local FSA agent for more information.